Our Plantations
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How to grow

Ideal conditions for Pepino Melon cultivation include deep, well-drained soils with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. The cultivation project has two phases: the first in the Central Province and the second involving poly tunnel cultivation in the Southern Province. Poly tunnel cultivation accelerates plant growth, leading to germination about six weeks earlier than outdoor cultivation, maximizing productivity by absorbing sunlight efficiently.
Our nursery is located in Nuwara Eliya, where the plants are grown and moved to the poly tunnels as they approach maturity approximately after 6 months.

Plants are grown from seeds in grow trays until the seeds germinate.

Seedlings are moved to pots after 3 months, placed in 3-foot-tall stands in poly tunnels to prevent fruit contact with the ground. The crop stays in the tunnels for 5 years before being replaced with a new batch of pots.

Pepino melons are approximately 400g and above in weight. Mature fruits are harvested once a week. A tree on average will produce between 80 to 100 fruits per year.

Venture Greens focuses on cultivating Pepino Melons prized for their medicinal benefits. The main export markets are Europe and Japan. Demand has consistently risen over the past decade, creating favorable export conditions due to global supply being outpaced by demand.

Sustainability Measures

Utilization of Poly Tunnels to save space


Using Organic fertilizers


Solar Energy for Electricity



Pepino melons are rich in Antioxidants, vitamin C, Vitamin A and Beta Carotene, which help in fighting the spread of cancerous cells.
Anti-inflammatory, anti-glycative and anti-oxidative properties contained in Pepino Melons minimize the effects of diabetes progression.
The high soluble fibre content of the fruit keeps your cholesterol levels at bay.
The fibre content in Pepino melon removes toxins from your body and boosts the overall health of your liver.
The high source of Potassium contained in Pepino Melons helps control the heart rate and blood pressure caused by sodium.

Our Plantations

As a company that thrives on sustainable agriculture, we have implemented several cultivation projects across the island. Pepino Melons is the primary crop of our cultivation projects which is of significant commercial value in the local as well as international market & is starting to gain traction in the local market. Scientifically known as Solanum Muricatum, Pepino melon fruit is a juicy, sweet fruit that brings numerous health benefits. Around 80 fruits can be harvested from one tree per year and the harvest can be received consecutively for five years. With the contribution of our investors , we grow Pepino Melons in our lands.

The 1st phase of our Pepino Melons cultivation project is located in the Central Province. The 2nd phase of our project is a polytunnel cultivation project in Southern Province. Polytunnel cultivation is beneficial as it promotes faster growth of the plants, approximately six weeks ahead of outdoor growing. Moreover, they absorb the sun and achieve the most productive germination. The 3rd phase of the project is planned to be launched in the Uva province.

In addition to this Pepino Melons, we cultivate other types of crops by incorporating sustainable agricultural practices.